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Full Senior Session - Molly - Spring in Saint Paul, MN 2017

Living in Minnesota, really living in the midwest, seasons are my favorite! The wheel of the year, the visual tells that time is passing. Bright green, vivid, lush trees of summer. Crisp air and colorful leaves of autumn both in the Twin Cities and of course Rochester and Duluth with their displays. Winter with trees covered in snow that sparkles in the sunshine and of course frozen ponds. Last but not least, my favorite! Spring! Beautiful flowering trees, the world waking up form the winter slumber. Energy returning everywhere.

Molly and I couldn't have asked for a better time to start her 4 seasons senior session! We will be doing 4 sessions over the coming year, on in each season to capture the full beauty of where we live. Also a fun way to capture the changes that happen for her over her senior year of high school. Molly is set to graduate in 2018. Keep an eye on the blog for a fun interview with Molly about her experiences with prepping for a senior session and to hear from her how her sessions went!

Here is a chance to see a FULL portrait session from Memory Me Studio. Most of my seniors, with a single session end up with about 25+ Images. Here you will see all of Molly's final images. Enjoy!

Lastly, mention Molly when you book your senior session and both you and Molly will get a special gift from Memory Me Studio!

Welcome! Please be patient as our galleries are still being added to.

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